Defensive Driving Tips
Watch the Traffic Signs
While driving, you should pay attention to the road signs. This will help you stay within the speed limit. Unlike most drivers, you shouldn’t do what the drivers ahead of you are doing. They may not be following the traffic rules. Make sure you don’t cross the speed limit or you may be at a higher risk of having an accident.
Keep a Distance
Keep a distance from the vehicle ahead of you. This will help you prevent a collision in case you have to apply brakes all of a sudden. If you don’t maintain enough distance, you may end up hitting the vehicle ahead of you.
If you are driving on icy roads or roads that are covered with snow, you may want to leave more room as you will take longer to stop. Vehicles tend to slip on icy surfaces when breaks are applied. So, keep this in mind.
Don’t Drive in Bad Weather
Bad weather may cause accidents. So, we suggest that you don’t drive when it’s raining or snowing. This is more important for beginners. Driving at night is more difficult so you need to be more careful. However, you can driver at night if you have an expert driver with you. They can teach you how to drive in bad weather. Once you are confident enough, you can drive at night as well. However, you should avoid driving in bad weather to be on the safe side.
Don’t Make Haste
At times, while driving you may be in a situation where you may not know whether you should pass or let the other driver pass. This can happen in a four way stop. In this type of situations, you may want to let the other person have the right of way. In the worse scenario, if you and the other drive pull out at the same time, you may have a collision. So, it’s best that you wait a few seconds before you pull out.