Avoid Car Accidents

  • Avoid the left lane: If it’s a multilane, avoid taking the left or “fast lane”. Instead, take the centre of right one because it will give you the chance to quickly change lanes in case of any emergency. Also, most accidents happen on the right lane.
  • Keep your eyes focused: Never just see what’s immediately in front of your car only; look further ahead. Look for any traffic movement several cars ahead. This will give you time to react if any unforeseen events arise.
  • Beware of blind spots: Make sure to adjust your rear and side view mirrors accordingly so that you have a panoramic view of what’s behind you. If something is not showing in the mirrors, turn around and see it so that you don’t miss anything. If there is a big truck behind your car, ensure that you don’t get into the blind spot.
  • Keep your hands in 9 and 3 o’clock position: Most individuals take the lazy route to handle their car. They place the hand at 12 o’clock at the top of the steering or both hands at the bottom of it. But this is the wrong thing to do. Keeping your hands in 9 and 3 o’clock position will give you much more control of the car in case you want to take a quick manoeuvre.
  • Get your seat closer to the steering: Shift your seat toward the steering so that you hand can rest on the wheel. This will ensure that your hand doesn’t get much fatigued and you can easily manoeuvre your car.
  • Keep your car’s limit in mind: Whether it’s a vintage car or a sports one, a driver should always know what his/her car is capable of. To avoid accidents, one must always know what limits the engine, tires or brakes have. If you don’t know the limits, you can easily over stretch the car and end up in an accident.
  • Maintain your vehicle: Needless to say; you have to maintain your car in the proper condition in order to work properly. Service the car frequently and use only high-quality motor oil sot that the car doesn’t break down in the middle of the road.
  • Avoid practising at night: If you are new to driving, avoid doing it at night. At night, due to decreased field of vision, you will have to employ a far more defensive approach in your car. Also, never go down a dark road with malfunctioning head and tail lights.