Tag: jeep

History of Jeep Off-Roading

Jeeps were first produced in the 1940’s. They were designed and marketed using the positive reputation that they had gained during World War II and many of the first buyers were veterans who had used them during their time in the war. The first marketed Jeep was the CJ’s they came straight from the factory ready to be taken off-road and enjoyed. Early Jeeps featured high ground clearance, four-wheel drive and the ability to change into low gears. During the time of their release, there weren’t as many highways as there are today which left driver’s with plenty of open space to test their ride and their own off-roading.

It wasn’t long after their initial release that Jeep clubs began … Read the rest

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Jeep Accessories

On Board Air Compressor

A Jeep on board air-compressor is a must have for any serious Jeep off-road driver because it serves a couple very important purposes. The first purpose for the onboard air-compressor is to help re-inflate the tires in case of an emergency. In addition, depending on the terrain, tire pressure varies to provide the best ground coverage and traction for the type of terrain present. With that being said, it is important to have an air-compressor onboard to inflate or deflate your tires to the proper pressure for the terrain.

Once an air-compressor is installed on your Jeep, another great accessory that compliments the air-compressor is the hookup kit. There are several good ones on the market. … Read the rest

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